收藏: Honey Bee Nucs + Queens

Our honey bee nucs are available for pick up in May + June, nature permitting of course! Imported Mated Queens usually arrive in April and are available through June until sold out.

Our lines come from imported Buckfast queens from Tenuta Ritiro in Italy and Italian queens from Oliverez in California. Both breeds (races) are known for their gentle nature, brood, and honey production.  Selling bees + bee equipment in Ontario requires a permit. We hold an OMAFRA permit to sell bees. 

Additional Information

Orders are accepted subject to conditions incidental to the beekeeping industry. Our responsibility for loss or damage arising out of incorrect fulfillment of orders or numbers, delay or failure of fulfillment or any other cause is limited to the original price paid. Forest Creek Farmhouse operates under Federal and Provincial government regulations.

It is understood and agreed that no representation or warranty as to the livability, production, freedom from disease, fitness for use, or otherwise, is made by Forest Creek Farmhouse. By purchasing honey bees and bee products from Forest Creek Farmhouse you assume all liability once the bees or bee products leave the premises.

All bees and bee products remain the property of Forest Creek Farmhouse until they leave the property following pick up or drop off of purchased items.